Want a brighter Smile?

A fabulous bright white smile does wonders for your self-confidence, and regular visits to the dentist and daily care, are vital to maintain healthy teeth and gums in order to maintain a wonderful smile.

Healthy eating and drinking habits are also important, so try and minimise your red wine, coffee and tea intake - genetics and the ageing process can cause teeth discoloration too, which means good dental hygiene becomes even more important as we age!

Eating certain foods like apples, pears, celery, carrots, cauliflower and cucumbers can actually help keep teeth cleaner and eliminate bacteria, so adding these foods into your diet can help keep teeth white.

Following good dental hygiene and good eating and drinking practices are a great way to keep your smile bright, but teeth whitening can also help to fight tooth discoloration.

There are a few different options for teeth whitening including whitening strips which you can buy from the pharmacy, specially prescribed treatment toothpaste and in-chair whitening.

At Udental, Surry Hills we provide two options;

·         In-Chair Whitening System; We offer the latest technology and can get your teeth whiter in just over an hour.

·         Take Home Kit; Customised trays are made to fit your teeth to ensure no soft tissue burning as well as predictable result

The benefits of professional whitening with Udental, Surry Hills is you can relax and know that we are going to take care of your needs. As a dental practice, we have a far greater concentration of whitening agents than you would find in over the counter whitening kits, and of course having a professional dentist present ensures getting the best result in a safe and controlled environment.

If you have a special event coming up and would like whiter teeth in about an hour, ask us for details on how to achieve your brightest smile!